Your Help is NeededA single donation makes a world of difference.

You Should KnowGiving doesn’t have to be a difficult thing.

  • Step 1

    Contact iHave iNeed to begin the business partner signup process

  • Step 2

    Schedule regular pickups or simply scan the barcode for pickup request

  • Step 3

    That's it! We'll process your items and redistribute them to local service organizations

Corporate citizenship is key to operating a reputable business.

Yes, I want to help!

Two, Three
Getting involved is easy.

hand with coins

Step 1: Fund

We actively seek donations and grants.  If you would like to support our efforts financially, please click "Donate" below.

Step 2: Partner

Build a relationship with us that suits your needs.  We are looking for businesses, nonprofits, volunteers... anyone who wants to make a difference.
man with money

Step 3: Repeat

Help us spread the word!  Share our mission with your friends, neighbors, and business connections.  As our network expands, so does our community impact.