Midsummer 2024 Update

midsummer 2024 update

As we move through the summer months, we’re excited to share with you the incredible progress and impact that iHave iNeed has made since our Spring 2024 update. Your unwavering support continues to be the cornerstone of our success in maximizing sustainability and helping those in need. Progress by the Numbers Check out our significant growth in our rescue efforts …

Spring 2024 Update

spring 2024 update

iHave iNeed Blossoms with Growth and Impact Thank you for your much needed support of iHave iNeed. Your generosity and dedication are the driving force behind our mission to maximize sustainability and help those in need. Progress Snapshot Season of Growth and Partnerships Volunteer Opportunities: Many Ways to Make a Difference We offer a variety of ways for you to …

Winter 2024 Update

winter 2024 update

In our first year in operation, we’ve made such great progress and achieved significant milestones thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, donors, and team: By The Numbers… Since our last update in December, we have continued to make a meaningful impact: General Update Continued Success for our Surplus Program Many local charities and nonprofit organizations sometimes receive more food …

Schnecksville Elementary School’s Earth Day Celebration: Promoting Sustainability Through Creative Learning

books collected from schnecksville elementary earth day 2023

Introduction Schnecksville Elementary School’s Earth Day celebration on April 21, 2023, showcased the commitment of its students, staff, and community to promote sustainability through innovative learning experiences. Spearheaded by Tina Jarrett, a core team member here at iHave iNeed, this year’s event focused on engaging students in hands-on activities to understand the importance of reducing, recycling, and reusing resources. Read …

April 2023 Update

piles of books in front of a school

We’re delighted to share our April 2023 status update with you! This month has been packed with exciting events, valuable partnerships, and growth in our operations and volunteer base. As always, we’re incredibly grateful for your support as we continue to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Here’s a summary of our recent activities and accomplishments: …

March 2023 Update

dumpster full of bikes

New Partnerships, Fundraising, and Expanding our Reach We are excited to share our March 2023 status update with you! It has been a busy month, and we have made significant progress in our mission to support those in need. From new partnerships and fundraising opportunities to expanding our reach, we continue to grow and enhance our ability to make a …

Now is the time to team up with iHave iNeed!

family holding hands

The Problem – A whopping 5.8 billion pounds of returned merchandise found its way into landfills in 2020! – As online sales continue to grow, so does the return problem. – Approximately 30% of e-commerce sales are returned versus 10% of brick-and-mortar sales. The Opportunity – Two-thirds of consumers prefer to align with purpose-driven brands that advocate sustainable practices. The …